Conner's Grandma

Friday, October 13, 2006

Beautiful Day

My life has been so busy that I have not had time to post. Today is gorgeous outside very nippy, but a blue, blue sky. Just my kind of weather. I have been finishing a scarf for a neighbor of mine and I will start to work on the hat that matches tomorrow. that is so when she gets my mail in the middle of Feb. she might keep warmer thinking of me in Florida. Oh well it was a thought.
I am always inspired by the great love that our Heavenly Father has given us. When I see a new baby and want to ask them so many questions they can't answer.Creation always puts me in a state of ahhhhhhh !!! hehe you know the one. Our Brandch President's home has a brand new baby sheep that we saw the day after birth. Runing along after her Mom for some nourishment. I could have watch it for hours. It's feet still a little wobbly and an 80 lb older brother nudging it out of the way. It seemed a little like my kids, "I want Mom's attention now". Even at ages 18,21,26 it still happens.I am so thankful for each one of them and how they help me grow by testing me to the limits, or giving me the greatest joy by there compassion for others.Thats when I feel like some of the last 27 years I have really accomplished something.
I need to go as we are having aactivity at church tonight. Hayride, Chili outside by a fire and then a dance at an old country schoolhouse that has just been restored and when I say it is in the middle of nowhere I mean it. Have a great Day.


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