Conner's Grandma

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Home Again Home Again

It seemed like we were in Florida forever this year. The motor home gets small with 3 adults after 5 months !!! Never again for that long. We missed Conner terribly so we flew Michelle Austin and Conner down in Feb. In March ,Jack had with drawls again and he flew home for a week and stored up on hugs.
Our Motor home must have weighed 3 million lbs. I have learned that I love auctions and have a very hard time keeping my hand down. As a result we brought home an old stage coach trunk, A lot of artwork, crocks, numerous lamps, antique large canning jars, lots and lots of candles as one auction was a gift store being auctioned !!! Great buys. But Jack takes the cake he brought home a dinning room set and a new dresser and oh yes the new little car for Conner (tied to the top of the motor home for 1500 miles !!! The Clampets have arrived in Massena. And yes we were embraced... Funny thing about living here nobody thought it was odd that a brand new dodge truck being hauled behind a motor home with chairs upside down in the front and back seats was odd hehehehe !
Brandi was glad we were home. We immediately went and got Conner for 5 days. To heck with unloading thet thing in the driveway... I miss seeing Mom and Dad everyday. I enjoy the silly names my father still calls me ranging from "Eber kadeber" "brat" "bleep". Yes that is Dad. Up at the crack of dawn thinking everyone in the world should be up at that time in the morning. I hate mornings, always have always will.. But I do vacuum at midnight oh well !!!
I will try to keep this updated in my free time YAH...


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