Monday, October 13, 2008
Jacky's Silver Medal

The weekend of October 4th and 5th took us to Rochester New York to the New York State Special Olympics. Jacky was playing softball. They played great and came home with the Silver Medal. He has worn it proudly to show everyone. His team mates and coaches are awesome and we had a great time. I have to add that these coaches are the best. I admire what they do and the spirit in which they do it. Everyone plays no matter what their ability.
New York State Special Olympics did it up good for the athletes all 1800 of them. They had fireworks go off on the podium to open the games held at the Rochester Convention Center. Many local college students lined the walkway and high fived every athlete. My hats are off to them they were great.
Jack and I stayed at the same hotel as they did. We had a beautiful 15th floor room over looking the "very dirty" Gennese River. The view of the city was so different than our little back yard here in Massena. Also much noisier !! I think I will stay in quiet Massena.