Conner's Grandma

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is this not the coolest picture ever

This is a picture of my Great great grandparents Aderlbert Orlando Fulton and his wife Nettie Elnora Coon Fulton. No smiles I know but back then they were not encouraged by "say Cheese" Adelbert was born in 1856 in Vermont and Nettie 1862 in Pierrepont, New York. Of course those of you who know me well, know that I love Family History and would block out all other responsibilities if given half a chance.
I love learning about these people and their lives. Where they traveled, their triumphs and their losses. I know one thing they all seemed to visit one another a lot and the local newspaper reported every dinner taken at someone else's home. This family was taken to playing the card game "PEDRO" I know I must have heard my grandfather say he was going to play pedro a million times.
I have a diary of my great grandfather who would be this couples son in law, and every day he noted who won at "ped" today along with what the weather and what the temperature was every day upon rising and going to bed.Of course being a farmer that was very important.
When visiting the local Historical Society the archivist asked me if I was aware that my great grandfather Nelson Milo Caswell's diaries had been donated to them. I was in glorified shock and yes tears came as she brought forth 3 large boxes and white gloves. Inside the boxes where his diaries from @1912-1950. Some not in very good shape as the dirt and mold had seen them. I carefully wiped the yuck from the pages and was able to find him talking about his fathers death. The statement always written phonetically said " Pa Died" He goes on to tell of going to Canton to get the undertaker "Lawrence" Then goes on to say who sang, but the most interesting to me was him telling of which horse and buggy carried which brother or sister to the church.Obviously he held different horses and buggies he owned in different esteem. One horse he called "Jow" Joe must have been his favorite and he is mentioned several times.
Ok I will stop most of you who read this will be bored stiff by this moment. These are the people whom paved the way for me, and their direct decisions made my life what it has been ,and what it is today.


  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger Brynn P. said…

    i think that's awesome! just reminds me how important it is to keep journals. Looks like he did a great job with that!!


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