Trefor (trevor) Cottage on the Irish Sea
Trefor is on the Irish Sea in North West Wales. It was once a very busy harbour,as right behind it are huge mountains where marble was mined. I am sure things other than marble but that is the one I have read the most about !
Nan and I had the privilege of staying here for 18 days. This cottage belongs to Nan's cousin Gavin and his wife Ellen (and yes it is for rent). This beautiful spot is so tranquil and quiet. Nan and I were constantly saying to each other come look out the window !!! In this picture below this tractor left the boat owners right there !!! They tried to push and had as many as 4 men at one time at the back of the boat trying to push. We were snickering in the window as we could see they were not even budging this huge boat. After a good while they gave up and just disappeared. I thought we would see the tractor return soon. But, they knew more than we did and a very high tide came in that night and that boat was floating in the morning. The laugh was on us !!

This picture was taken on the Pier at Trefor. I remember what a peaceful walk I had that day. Taking in the breathtaking world around me and just being happy I was a live and how very lucky and fortunate I was to be there. Yes I did pinch myself a few times. Mostly though I looked to the heavens and said thank you God. I also thanked Nan and Arlie for giving me this wonderful chance to see this part of the world doing what I love the most "Family History". There is nothing like seeing someone see there unknown family for the first time. Watching them hold their Great Great grandparents original marriage certificate in their hands. Touching documents from the 1600's.Seeing places that your ancestors lived, worked, and died. And I believe in the process learning a lot about ourselves and how we become the people we are.

This is the old Pier at Trefor it is made of wood and is scheduled to be torn down. There are huge gates that forbid you to go out on it but everyday there were people out there fishing and sometimes camping on the wooden part. One night someone even built a campfire on the wood. The next morning we were told the police had been called 2 times that night !!! You literally had to swing out over the sea to get on there as the fence had spikes on top. Oh no I did not go out there.