Conner's Grandma

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow"

Oh my it is snowing like a mad man out there. They cancelled Church this morning. The Sunday before Christmas and I was looking forward to the Christmas Carols... I guess Brandi and I can sit here and sing for a while. They say we are to get an additional 15 inches in the next 2 days. Snow all you want now but, on January 7th NO SNOW !!!
Brandi made us each a great big mug of hot cocoa. Sitting next to the fire it was great. Just say that this is the only great part of that white stuff,also thank goodness for 4 wheel drives as our driveway has over a foot now. Snow blower does not want to start and I don't blame it...It's cold,like below zero.
Just let me add that there is nothing prettier than freshly fallen snow every where.


  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger Brynn P. said…

    Oh you just made me miss New York BAD! Seeing the pictures of the snow all over the trees is so pretty!


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